We will develop a technical task for your project

The cost of developing a technical task starts from $500.

Saves time
Allows you to see the project before implementation
Reduces costs
Templates processes
The technical task (TT) is a document that sets out the requirements for the site. The clearer and more detailed these requirements are, the better all participants in the process understand what it should be. This means that there is a growing chance that everyone will be satisfied with the result.

The main purpose of the terms of reference is to make sure that the client and the contractor understand each other correctly.

There are many benefits from the technical task. It is different for each side.

Benefit for the client:

  • Sees the final result
  • Understands what he is investing in
  • Allows you to calculate the cost and terms of work as accurately as possible
  • Allows you to check the final result for compliance with the technical task
  • Allows you to identify an unscrupulous performer
  • Simplifies the replacement of the performer

Benefits for the performer:

  • Accelerates the project implementation process
  • Allows you to make a clear plan of action
  • It serves as a kind of cheat sheet
  • Gives the widest possible understanding of the customer's wishes
  • Allows you to calculate the most in exact terms and cost of work
The process of developing the technical task
  • The technical task is

    The technical task is a very vague concept. "We need a portal for an enterprise for the production of metal structures" is also a technical task. Briefly, clearly and clearly. But this is too general. Each site is a tool that must meet certain requirements. And such a TT is not able to fully describe the entire range of tasks necessary for the effective achievement of the goals set.
    It is much more correct if the technical task is made by a web studio. We are engaged in creating online resources on a professional basis, so we understand much better what an effective website should be. This means that it is better to entrust this process to us.
    The fact that we will draw up the technical task does not mean that the customer remains indifferent until the project is accepted. No, during the development process, we will ask leading and clarifying questions. They will help you create an effective website. Therefore, the customer will be required to tell:

    • What exactly does he expect from the site;
    • What range of tasks should the resource perform;
    • What he wants to see in the end. It will be good if several examples are provided;
    • Some other subtleties and nuances that we will ask about in the course of work.

    Of course, you can write a detailed TT yourself, which, in your opinion, will be full-fledged and self-sufficient. Perhaps something really useful will turn out, and perhaps the compiled list of requirements will only confuse us. Therefore, it is better to entrust the preparation of the TT to us

  • We write unambiguously and accurately

    The main rule when drawing up a TT is to clearly understand each other. The terms of reference will not include the words "high-quality, beautiful, technological". Everyone has their own concept of beauty. And what we like, the customer may not like at all.
    The situation is similar with the wording. They can be so vague and ambiguous that they will require us to spend our time and your time for clarification. Here are just some examples of what will not be specified:

    • A convenient website. Convenient for what? To open a page with contacts? To order goods online? To view photos of your portfolio?
    • The resource will withstand heavy loads. Each company has a different audience coverage, therefore, one will have 100 people per day, and others will have 100,000. So it turns out that "heavy loads" are completely different concepts;
    • Let's fill the site with expert content. Each industry has a million features and nuances. For example, for the same metal depot, you can write a text that will show the chemical composition of each of the items sold, specify the exact dimensions up to a millimeter for each product;

    Here are some examples of how exactly the points of the TT will look like:

    • The list of articles on the main page — 6 (7/8/10...) of the latest news will be displayed on the main page;
    • Large loads — 100 (200/500/10, 000/100, 000) users at the same time;
    • An unobtrusive and minimalistic subscription form — There will already be a sketch that will help the client understand what "unobtrusive and minimalistic" is in our understanding
  • We specify general information

    Separately, we will display the following information:

    • The purpose of the site;
    • Expected list of resource functions;
    • What does the company do in general;
    • The target audience.
  • Understanding the parties
    If we use complex or narrowly focused terms in our correspondence, they must be explained separately in the glossary. Here are simple examples: a database in the jargon of web developers is not always a list of customer data. A basement is not a room in a house. And there is something completely incomprehensible: Puff, CMS, SQL, etc.
  • Cross-browser compatibility and functionality

    Of course, the site that we will provide you with upon completion of the work will function perfectly in any browser. We can't allow you to lose customers whose site simply won't open. But in the list of technological features, we will clearly describe in which browsers the site will open.
    In the same block, it is also indicated at what speed the pages will open and what load the resource will withstand
    The tools used to create the site will also be listed here. In particular, this applies to the CMS. For example, we will decide that Joomla will be much more effective for achieving the tasks set. And your administrator will not be able to serve it. The same applies to the hosting requirements. For example, we will write a website on .NET, and your hosting supports only php and MySQL. Not about anything .NET was not heard there. Therefore, therefore, this item is also described in detail in the TT

  • Let's make up the structure of the site
    Even before you start drawing a design, you need to make a kind of site map. It indicates all the pages of the resource and the link map. The site map is developed jointly by the SEO specialist, the developer, the marketer and the client. Here it is decided which pages the site may need, and which ones can be discarded so that they do not clutter up the hosting space and links to them do not occupy the useful space of other pages.
  • Let's explain what will be on each page of the site

    After drawing up the map, we will create a prototype. This is required in order to see how the elements will be placed on the pages in the rough. It helps to quickly rebuild the structure without changing the design, since the latter is quite a time-consuming task. An alternative to this method is the enumeration of elements. Here, just a list indicates what exactly we will place on the page. But this is a very uninformative method, which is resorted to only if the customer does not have time or the development time is very compressed.

  • Behavior scenarios

    In some cases, it is necessary to describe the scenarios of user behavior on the site. They will help you better understand exactly how the site works. Here is just one example:

    • We clicked on the "Order a call" button;
    • A pop-up window appeared with a field for entering a phone number and a button "Order a call";
    • The visitor enters the number and clicks on the button;
    • The window for entering the number disappears, instead of it there is a window with the inscription "We will call you back within 2 hours", which disappears by itself after 10 seconds;
    • The manager receives an email with a description of the resource from which the letter came and a request to call the number specified by the visitor.

    Of course, this is not done for a business card site. But if you order a serious portal with many services, the scripts will help you better understand their work.

  • We will discuss all the nuances of creating content

    There may also be several options here:

    • We are preparing a website with an abstract text Lorem Ipsum Dolor..., which will be repeated and which you will already replace with your own;
    • We are developing a website that will already be filled with articles;
    • We develop a website, and then, for an additional fee, we already fill it with articles.

    ЭThis is necessarily discussed in the TT, so that then neither of the parties has any questions to the partner. Also, we will briefly describe the properties of the text. Do not wait for words like "high-quality, selling, useful, etc." These are very vague concepts. Instead, we indicate clearly and to the point what characteristics the articles will have.

  • We will describe the design (if possible)
    Again, there will be no "beautiful, modern, etc." here, instead, we will specify the color scheme, a set of fonts, the brand elements used, and so on. This will also help to avoid disagreements later on at the project acceptance stage.
  • What will be specified in the ТТ
    Of course, the TT for the information portal of the holding giant and for the business card site of the bakery will differ radically. But, in all cases, the following points must be specified in the provided technical task:
    • A glossary of terms that may be incomprehensible to the customer;
    • The structure of the site
    • Technologies that we will use during development, depending on the hosting functionality;
    • Page prototypes;
    • The content, as well as the method of filling the site with it
    • General data about the target audience and the company These are the items that will be specified without fail. Additionally, the following may appear:
    • Usage scenarios (if the interface differs from the standard one);
    • Design requirements (if any were provided by the client).
Stages of work
1. Filling out the brief
2. Coordination of algorithms of work
3. Prototyping
4. Approval of the prototype of the site
5. Making edits
6. Preparation of final documents
7. Submission of the work and discussion of the project development on the basis of the TT

A website for business is a powerful tool for development and promotion. The site is a representative of the company on the world Wide Web. The site is both the image, and the reputation, and the face of the company

And often, even before creating a website, the customer imagines the website of his dreams in his head. But unfortunately, no matter how experienced the developers and designers of the site are, it is not possible to connect to the thoughts of the customer and synchronize them with their own. And in order for the created site to meet the expectations of the customer, it is necessary to draw up a technical task for the development of the site. Also, the technical task is necessary when restructuring or expanding the site, or changing its engine.

The technical task is one of the most important stages of creating a website, it is a technical document developed by specialists and approved by the customer, which sets out all the requirements, ideas and solutions for what a website should be. A well-written technical task depends on how accurately the site will meet the expectations

Drawing up and writing a technical task for a website is a matter purely for professionals. After all, the customer forms thoughts and ideas, and specialists need to correctly and accurately express these thoughts and ideas on paper so that the final product becomes a dream site.

Our company has been working for many years in the field of creating and developing websites, and one of our core areas, of course, is the development of the technical specifications of the site. Our experience and knowledge, as well as intuitive thinking allow us to understand and correctly express the thoughts of the customer, we discuss every detail and detail, consult with the customer and create the perfect start for creating a dream website.

Entrust the development of the technical task to us, and we will make your dreams come true.

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