Development of an online auction

12-year experience
More than 500 projects
Do just-in-time
20+ Experienced staff
Features that we can do:
  • Lot placement
  • My Account
  • Adding an item to the cart
  • Adding a lot to favorites
  • Live trading
  • Publication of online auction information in social networks, instant messengers
  • Categories, subcategories of the site
  • Top 100 Best Users
  • User verification system
  • Rating system, reviews
  • Ability to subscribe to seller's lots
  • User information, avatar
  • Forum
  • Selection of lots by criteria
  • Possibility to place a bet
  • Lots presentation type: gallery, list
  • Selection by region, price, novelty, end of auction
  • Ability to receive quotes
  • The ability to share the lot in social networks and instant messengers
  • The ability to ask the seller a question, make an offer
  • View the number of bids for each lot
  • View all users who have placed a bet and the size of their bets
  • View auction end time
  • Lot Locations
  • Site search
  • Option to automatically extend the auction for a certain time
  • User selection for shipping payment (buyer/seller)
Our custom development portfolio
Stack of Technologies
Development: regular, urgent and agile The work is carried out according to one of three methodologies:
This is a consistent development model: technical specifications, prototypes, design, layout, programming, 2 testing cycles and delivery
Here the stages go in parallel, for example, having drawn only the main page of the site, we already give it to the layout. Or by folding half of the layouts — we begin their implementation. It allows you to save time twice, but it also costs 50-100% more expensive.
Flexible methodology, ideal for corporate portals, where it is more correct to approve and do one task at a time than to design something that will be outdated by the time of approval for six months.

Why you should work with us:

  • We conduct
    comprehensive analytics

  • First we think
    , then we work

  • We do not use
    pipeline solutions

  • We coordinate
    all the stages of creation

  • We deliver
    the work exactly on time
Control over the development
Work on Agile also means transparency. You control the plans and actions of our team, get a plan before the sprint and detailed reports after. We release a fully working new version of the product every iteration and you can always monitor the current work through our project management system. You always know where your money is going.
We sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) - an agreement on the non-disclosure of an idea, which gives a 100% guarantee of the protection of your business idea. We guarantee that your developments and code will not get to third parties.
Professional team
We are a ready-made team for the development of startup projects. Designers, layout designers, programmers and other specialists united by a common cause. In total, there are more than 20 people in our team. Each department has its own specialization. When expertise is required, we have the resources to quickly add them to the project.
Convenient communication
For your convenience, we use a variety of communication tools (WatsApp chat, email, Skype, Slack, Jira, etc.). You choose the one that best suits your needs.
We take care of your budget and deadlines. Since we respect your hard-earned money, we can offer ways to minimize costs and reduce deadlines, while maintaining the high quality of our work. Recommendations based on experience and knowledge are available throughout our joint work.
We do not make business card sites, online stores. We are engaged exclusively in the development of web services and mobile applications for startups. By ordering development from us, you get our many years of experience in launching startup projects.
Stages of work
1. Problem statement and research

A correctly formulated task contains a solution, so we pay special attention to this stage. The more information and input data, the better the result in the end.

2. Design

Based on the results of the first stage, we think over the logic and structure. We make detailed prototypes, work through user scenarios, and draw up a technical task.

3. Visualization

We make a visual concept, layouts of all pages in adaptive, icons and illustrations, animation, write texts, prepare a ui-kit. If necessary, we design a design system

4. Layout and programming

The developers work in a team with the designer. The layout is checked in the process, which helps to immediately see the points that can be made more convenient and corrected. The next step is to integrate the layout with the software part and the business logic of the product.

5. Tests and launch

We conduct functional, technical and load tests. We configure the server architecture, transfer the site to your server.

We give guarantees
Intellectual property
We sign a non-disclosure document and guarantee that your developments and code will not get to third parties.
Transfer of rights
Upon completion of the work, all rights to the developed software, source code and all materials are transferred to the customer
Code Warranty
The warranty period during which a possible detected error will be corrected free of charge
Testing for load
  • Identifying peak loads
  • Optimization of solutions
  • Distribution of server load
  • Introduction of a supercomputer
Testing for security
  • TLS and/or SSL connection protection
  • Data protection by encryption
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Confirmation of the operation by SMS or EDS

Now global changes are taking place in the field of online auctions, almost everything is put up for auction, starting from things in computer games and ending with luxury items and antiques. Thus, now is the time to order your online auction, which, with stable operation, will bring you a stable income. When developing a website, our team focuses, first of all, on bringing the auction work to automatism, excluding any random factors and human influence. By ordering the development of a website from us, you will get a modern working online auction, and after competent SEO promotion by our specialists, you will quickly get into the top search results and quickly earn the first profit.

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