Fix errors on the website

We will identify and eliminate technical and SEO errors on the site

Types of errors on the site
Correcting site errors is a painstaking work that requires the participation of specialists. And the first thing that the work begins with is the search for shortcomings and flaws. At the same time, their location can be completely different:
Technical functionality
often, there are a lot of errors in the program code that interfere with the normal operation of the site and its promotion in search engines
incorrect display of elements, their location too close or far from each other, problems of their functioning have a negative impact on the work of the site
CMS, Frameworks
One of the most common mistakes - using outdated plugins and modules. Which, in turn, led to incorrect operation of the site
Search Engine Optimization
To do SEO-optimization of the site is one thing, but to do it qualitatively is quite another! The second place in the number of errors on the site is due to SEO errors
Mobile version
No matter how perfect the site looks on a PC, but layout flaws are especially common in the mobile version
Typos and shortcomings in the text, incorrectly loaded images, lack of video optimization-all this leads to serious consequences
Order a free audit of your site

Are you not sure about the correctness of the site? Do you think that pages could load faster, forms work more efficiently, and the site could bring more applications?

Errors on the site can occur for a variety of reasons. Some are visible to the naked eye, others will be found only by a specialist with experience. But they still somehow have a negative impact on the quality of the site, download speed and user behavior.

The most common banal errors that occur at the very beginning of creating a site are often associated with an incorrect structure, a complex or too simple design, the lack of cross-browser compatibility and an adaptive mobile version, as well as a discrepancy between the site concept and the taste of the target audience. However, what to do if your site has been around for several years and brings income, but doubts about the presence of errors still creep in?

The most important thing is to check the site for errors. Moreover, such checks should be regular. For example, you can check the site for errors weekly or monthly. You can identify errors through free services or by contacting ArtWeb specialists for help.

In the first case, you, of course, will not receive guarantees and will not be able to be completely sure that the identified errors are really critical or that the program was able to identify absolutely all errors, but you will have an approximate idea of the presence or absence of errors, their types, difficulties of elimination. But thinking about the global improvements of the site and eliminating errors can not do without contacting professionals. The specialists of the ArtWeb agency promptly and efficiently eliminate website design errors, eliminate CMS errors, eliminate framework errors, eliminate content errors, eliminate SEO errors, eliminate mobile version errors.

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